I’m very pleased to share the new video for “The Advice Song (Just Give Up) from my new album “A Failure.” Watch it here.
The final playlist inspired by songs from "A Failure." This week: Really Long Songs. A few rules: No song-suites here (sorry, prog rock), no experimental or jazz music, no jams or guitars solos - these are all songs that could have been four minutes long had the writer decided to choose their best three verses rather than use all forty-seven.
The record has received some wonderful reviews, so I thought I’d share some of my favorite ones here…
In this interview for Vents Magazine, I talk about the new record, unreliable narrators, Christian Kiefer, Nick Cave, fatherhood, alt-country music, and, yep, failure.
I've been asked more than once about how I managed to get the album done considering the demands of the job, adulthood, parenthood. My "method" (or whatever you might call it) was gifted to me by a piece of writing from the novelist Christian Kiefer, which I've shared below. I'm going to write a bit about what I learned from it, because perhaps it will help pull you out of a rut, like it did for me. (Read More…)